The Heart Sutra in Practice
This is the title of the book I am writing. The Heart Sutra describes an awake experience, which means experiencing life as it is – without thoughts running away with you, and clouding what is actually happening.
There are many books which translate the Heart Sutra, but not so many, which explain how to experience what is being described, which is the aim of the book. Each line will be explained with pointers and exercises to try.
We create our experience of the world by assuming there is a me in control, making choices, and that there are forms and objects with boundaries that keep everything separate. We believe we are a subject looking at objects, and that we are more important than ‘others’ and ‘objects’. These are beliefs based on thought, rather than what can be found in experience. The book will help you unpack the Heart Sutra, and see how we fabricate our experience of the world and ‘others’.
Additionally, we believe that we perceive a world, and all the ‘objects’ in it, as situated in time and space, and we believe that time and space are real things too. The Heart Sutra and practices in the book will help you question these assumptions too. Exercises will be provided to help you to see through the concepts of subject and object, time and space, substantiality, permanence and impermanence.